American Tactic: HyperWar of Shock and Awe

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Respectable Gimp
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Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 12:43 pm

American Tactic: HyperWar of Shock and Awe

Postby 1ne » Thu Apr 24, 2003 6:01 pm

This works on paper, just need a prax run to see how it works in the "real world"

1) Have your faves set up ahead of time

2) Squad leaders get vehicles...screw personal armor

3) Squad leaders to front of buildings while soldiers are exiting

4) Hit target

I've timed it and it looks like it can be done in 2 minutes (mind you it's all theory right now). People are still gearing up in this downtime.

This won't mean crap when tons of people are playing 24/7, but if its done right before Evening Spike Time, we can really get the momentum going on a game. The HyperWar was sort of in effect last night and we were owning the continent.

just more ruminations.
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