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Setting Up Your Email Account

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 4:10 am
by Sovereign
In order to get an email account you must first send an email to with the words "Account Info" in the title of the message.

In the body of the message include the following:

1. Email:
2. Name: your first name
3. Last Name: your last name

The Last name is optional, however, to be in the Nameless Empire you must tell us your first name. If you're really paranoid about giving that out to us, give us a false one, but give us a goddamn first name to know you by.
After receiving the message I'll set up your account, and then respond with a confirmation and a temporary password. Now you can configure your mail client.

You must enable SMTP Authentication or you will not be able to send mail. This is done through your mail client. Please refer to your mail client documentation on this.

1. POP3 server is
2. SMTP server is
3. Username is in format.
4. Initial Password is the one I provide you with, and once your mail is working you can set it to whatever you want it to be.

The FROM field in Outlook, Netscape, etc. MUST be your email address of the domain you just signed up. i.e. Otherwise, you'll receive a message that you can't relay.

Thanks to Izrath for helping me get this information to you guys.